Lifting the Daily Financial Management Burden
Life is fast-moving and complex, at some point most issues become financial in nature. Having a plan and the resources to execute that plan, on a daily basis, can be the difference between achieving your goals, and not.
Services Provided:
Bill payment, expense tracking, bank deposits
Statement reconciliation
Collaboration with professional advisors (tax professionals, wealth managers, financial advisors, attorneys, insurance agents, bankers)​
Organization of tax documents for presentation to tax professionals
Estate asset review and restructuring assistance
Estate settlement facilitation
Family office support
Financial and legal document organization and file management
Insurance claim tracking and management (life, medical, home, auto)
Communication with/updates to designated family member or agent, as requested by client
Budget formulation, maintenance and execution
Who Benefits from our Services?
Individuals and couples who are feeling overwhelmed by the process of managing their daily finances or who realize that they just aren't keeping up with it all
Seniors who would like, or need, assistance in executing their daily financial matters
Business owners and professionals who want to devote more of their time and energy to operating demands, strategic issues, time-intensive projects, or other aspects of running or managing their businesses​
Frequent travelers whose time on the road makes it difficult for them to tend to their finances in a consistent and timely manner. Those who want to take an extended sabatical with the freedom of not having to think about their daily financial matters while away​
Those impacted by a life-changing event such as the death of a loved one, divorce, a health issue, a career move, or relocation
Parents of a busy household who want to free up more time for each other, their children, or extended family
Professionals executing powers of attorney may utilize the services of a daily money manager in order to leverage their own time, freeing themselves to focus on client-specific strategies and the 'big picture'
An individual executing powers of attorney for a loved one whose geographical distance from that loved one, lack of experience, or own work or family obligations make it difficult for them to manage their loved one's financial and estate affairs on their own. Those who want to have someone local involved as a matter of convenience, and/or to provide an increased level of protection for someone who might be vulnerable to financial fraud
Trustees and guardians who want assistance in managing the daily details so they are free to focus on the macro-level picture
Individuals vulnerable to fraud who benefit from having a second set of eyes monitoring their account activity profiles, in harmony with their financial institution's capability, for unauthorized charges, inconsistencies, and unexpected changes